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The Case For FG Funnels…

The Case For FG Funnels…

...and why if you're going to believe me about anything, trust me with this. I'm going to be honest. I'm hella annoyed at myself. I have a problem, and...

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The Course Creator Formula

The Course Creator Formula

Week 3! You guys LOVED the coaches formula and the service provider formula and so now I'm back with another one. For reference, I'm working on a new...

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The Addiction of Indecision

The Addiction of Indecision

"More is lost by indecision than wrong decision. Indecision is the thief of opportunity. It will steal you blind." - Marcus Julius Cicero Hard truth...

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Every year I write a recap style blog post and I have to admit, I've been procrastinating on this one. Maybe it's because we're on day 6 of fever with my...

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The SLO Funnel Stages of Grief

The SLO Funnel Stages of Grief

If I could spare even just one more person from this rollercoaster, I would. Which is why I'm writing this post today. Many of you know that I am a 1:1...

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Inside My Next Big Campaign

Inside My Next Big Campaign

The blog post below is an email I sent to my list. Are you not on my email list yet? This is where I send ALLL the best content FIRST. Click here to opt...

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The Theory Of Dead Webinars

The Theory Of Dead Webinars

I'm going to go on a rant. Maybe it's one too many of Sam Oven's "webinars are dead" ads, but I need to say something about the theory of dead webinars....

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The Paper Whiteboard

The Paper Whiteboard

I remember the first time I saw Russell Brunson drawing on one of those big whiteboards. It was an ad in my Facebook newsfeed, and even though his...

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If you’ve been following me on Instagram or Facebook, you’re probably well aware that I’ve spent the last 12 days in Kenya, Africa. I knew the trip would...

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Life Changing Proposals

Life Changing Proposals

I just returned from San Diego this past week - for the 2 Comma Club X Coaching live event. It was incredible. The amount of training and value packed...

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Are Your Prices Too Low?

Are Your Prices Too Low?

Pricing is tricky and you will never win the race to be the lowest. What can you do? Instead, aim higher while delivering a quality result. It’s...

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Is the Guru Trustworthy?

Is the Guru Trustworthy?

How to decide if a guru is worth following...or...more importantly...if they are worth giving MONEY to. Does the guru help you without charging you...

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Is the Guru Trustworthy?

Is the Guru Trustworthy?

How to decide if a guru is worth following...or...more importantly...if they are worth giving MONEY to. Does the guru help you without charging you...

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I can help you.

Julie Chenell Headshot


Structure your
offer ladder

to sell services & products built from your zone of genius that people actually want & need.


your business

internally & externally— with funnels, tech, and systems that keep you & your team hands-off as much as possible.


your business

with streams of passive income that ensure you can still make ends meet when you want to take a step back or the sh*t’s hitting the fan.